Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Alison Safford [342]

Alison Safford
Boston, MA, USA

1. Dogtime
Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam
Someone said it referred to their continuing ed program, but all I could think of was MC Hammer's "hammer time" danced by dogs. In MC Hammer pants. Going up and down the stairs.

2. Fuck You-in pink spray paint, in a lovely font, on the reflective surface of a boutique in Paris around the corner from Notre Dame. THe nicest "fuck you" I have ever received.

3. "I make Monet Like CLaude Money"
Paris, Clingincourt Flea Market. Capitalistic graffiti with an art historical reference, nicely played

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

David Formanek [338]

David Formanek
Tiverton, Rhode Island, USA

1. Lost and Found, found at the classroom sink of the Providence Art Club, Providence RI.
2. Holy Ghost Club, at the intersection of Veteran's Highway and Sodom Road in Westport MA.
3. Westport Point, Massachusetts