Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Betty Esperanza [152]

Betty Esperanza
Montreal, Quebec - CANADA

1. Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. It’s not you that’s gotten ugly, it’s society. And no one would call this ugly. Get over yourselves. Embracing my Marilyn Monroesqueness.
TAG YOURSELF SISTAH! and empower others with this message.

(Subtext: D. H. Lawrence once said:
"Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness. What ails us is that our sense of beauty is so bruised and blunted, we miss all the best." )

2. Drinks with LIZ- When I heard that Liz died. I immediately paid hommage to her by showcasing her beautiful portrait and adding her passion and devotion to raising awareness for HIV/AIDS. Her humanitarianism is what she represents the most to me.
So l'chaim Liz! May we continue your work. Hiccup!

3. "SPEAK UP EVEN THOUGH YOUR VOICE SHAKES!" This touches me to the core because I recently embarked on a new journey for freedom of expression as a reporter/cameraperson for a community television show. I have always tried to stay in the background and be supportive but recently found myself standing up for the rights of the disenfranchised. My first interview was shaky and awkward and my voice shaked but my message got thrrough. So Speak UP...it won't kill you!

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